Who is the Beta Male? 6 Personality of male, What is yours?

Who is The Beta Male?

The 6 Male Personalities

I'm sure you've heard the term "beta male," and according to the socio-sexual hierarchy, beta males are second in line (below alpha males).

A loyal and fierce (in their own way), beta males are the ones responsible for maintaining the peace in the hierarchy and they are also the ones who are more reserved and play safe than others.

Beta males are held in low esteem in society. And they are also lack confidence . This does not mean that they are weak.

In this article we are going to look at the personality traits of beta males. By the end of this article you will be able to know whether you are a beta male or not.

1. He Is Friendly

Now that you know the Alpha male definition, let’s discuss what is a Beta male. This personality type is really underestimated.

Alpha male is very strong. Beta males are the exact opposite. With a lot of negativity surrounding the beta male personality, we need to understand that this very common personality type is nothing of which to be ashamed. Thus, they are not despicable, but respectful and friendly to everyone.

They think that no one should be offended. Due to this they get along well with everyone. Whether it's a man or a woman, they interact with everyone. By being kind to others, he believes that he will gain recognition and appreciation from others.

2. He Is Reserved

Their main characteristic is that they are somewhat isolated from society. This is because they are shy and don't want to express their opinions openly. While it is true that some beta males are shy, many are just afraid to share their opinions openly. They are more reclusive and have less interaction with society. Just because they are aloof doesn't mean they have nothing to say. People refuse to accept their views because of their shy nature. 

3. He Is Submissive

They are submissive to everyone. Being submissive means that when confronted with conflict or an opposing opinion, the beta male is likely to avoid defending himself if this means that the other person will dislike him.

Many view submission as a negative. But submission can sometimes be beneficial. If someone comes to fight or argue with you, the beta will listen to their opinions and submit, so they won't do it again. .

4. He Is Loyal

Their important characteristic is loyalty. This is their greatest strength. They respect whoever hurts them. And will be faithful forever to those who believe. They will be good friends.

Their loyalty makes them an excellent employee. They will perform their work and duties properly at workplace. They will not cause any disturbance to the company. They never smile and talk. But he is always there for his friends when needed.

5. They Are Not Competitive

Beta men have their insecurities but they’re aware of them. They play safe but are not competitive. A beta male knows how to treat others and never takes on a challenge against something (or someone). They are aware of their skills and weaknesses and as they are continuously challenged by others in their world, they don’t find competing as appealing as alphas do.

6. Never say no to others

They never say no to others. They are willing to do whatever others ask. As a result, they sacrifice time and energy on things they don't agree with. They don't always support themselves. Thus they are rejected by others. They are often underestimated because they can't say no.

My Thoughts..

Remember to live your life with pride no matter what personality you have in this. Live true to yourself.

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Types of Male Personalities
(1) Alpha Male Personality
(2) Beta Male Personality
(3) Omega Male Personality
(4) Gamma Male Personality
(5) Delta Male Personality
(6) Sigma Male Personality

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